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Watch Our YouTube Videos


Hi there everybody. Hope that your week has been going well, and that you’re keeping up with all that God is doing in your lives!

Let’s talk for a moment about YouTube. Just wanted to let you know that Burneyfam Books has a YouTube channel and were very excited about people viewing the videos. Pastor Gerry has been going through several of his books on YouTube, explaining the revealed prophecy, the Bible mysteries, and how they relate to what’s happening in the world today, and SO much more, and you can start watching immediately!

CLICK HERE to view our YouTube Channel!

Each video is approximately 30 minutes long, and contain a ton of valuable information all stemming from the books that Pastor Gerry has written. These books are timely, and are updated regularly so you’re getting the most current information available

Here are the titles of the TV series:

Science And Origins – 8 Videos

Revelation & End Times – 23 Videos

The Flat Earth & Genesis – 17 Videos


If you’d like to get a book to follow along with Pastor Gerry, but aren’t sure if you’d LIKE it, GOOD NEWS, you can read the first chapter to “try before you buy” to get a taste, Go here!


Also, check out Target Truth Ministries, on the WWW


Enjoy your day, friends!

Gotta Love It

Now I realize this is NOT in English, but I think the reaction it priceless, and you get the meaning!


Hi there everybody. Hope that your week has been going well, and that you’re keeping up with all that God is doing in your lives!

Let’s talk for a moment about YouTube. Just wanted to let you know that we have a YouTube channel and were very excited about people viewing it. Pastor Gerry has been going through several of his books on YouTube, explaining the revealed prophecy, the Bible mysteries and how they relate to what’s happening in the world today, and SO much more, and you can start watching immediately!

Each video is approximately 30 minutes long, and contain a ton of valuable information all stemming from the Bible and the books that Pastor Gerry has written. These books are timely, and are updated regularly so you’re getting the most current information available

Here are the titles of the TV series:

Science And Origins – 8 Videos

Revelation & End Times – 23 Videos

The Flat Earth & Genesis – 17 Videos

If you’d like to get a book to follow along with Pastor Gerry, but aren’t sure if you’d LIKE it, GOOD NEWS, you can read the first chapter to “try before you buy” to get a taste, Go here!

Also, check out Target Truth Ministries, on the WWW

Enjoy your day, friends!