Abortion and Forgiveness
Psalm 139:1-14; John 5:24
This month is the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade, over the issue of abortion (or the sanctity of life). The current view (ever since this decision on Jan. 22 of 1973), is that abortion (or the destruction of the baby, while still in the womb), is legal in America, and also should be taxpayer-paid-for, if necessary. This does seem to be the way of the world, today in the West – Europe, America, and the Far East, China, etc. But in the Mid-Eastern countries, where Israel and Islam exist, abortion is still seen as a sin (murder). Today, sometimes, as a baby is about to enter this world, and its head is about to be crushed, on rare occasions, just as the doctor is about to crush the babies head, the baby is actually born. It slips out before the doctor can crush its head, and the baby is born alive. But, according to the law, the baby should then be left on the delivery table, so that it might die. This is because, under the law, the mother signed a contract for a dead baby, and so the contract must be fulfilled. It is our American law. This is the way of the world, not God’s way.
Archaeologists have discovered that during Manasseh’s time (a king from Israel, which we read of in 2 Chron. 33:1-20), among the various ways the people sacrificed to the false gods (in order to think they may have a better life), was not only to burn children as an offering (verse 6 of the text), but also to perform abortions. It was the way of the world, not God’s way. During the time of Manasseh, the archaeologists have discovered walls in homes in which there were jars buried (set into the walls). A family would build a house with brick and stone walls, and, in order to insure a good life for the man and the woman, a baby was aborted, and placed in a jar, and the jar was placed in the wall of the home. This sacrifice was to grant the man and woman of the house a better life. They called the walls “Living Walls.” God tells us in Habakkuk 2:9-12, that only trouble will result for those who build their lives on the blood of others.
Back then, as now, the sacrifice is the same — a baby dies. Back then, as now, the purpose is the same — to have a “better” life. In Manasseh’s time, the sacrifice was to some false god (an appeasement to that false god), so that this god might enrich their life. Today, the sacrifice is to appease us. In effect, we, ourselves, have become the god that is appeased, so that financially (or, for whatever reason), our life can be materially richer.
Abortion is not a modern-day issue. Let’s look at a little history here. Around A.D. 175, Athenagoras wrote: “We say that those women who use drugs to bring on abortion commit murder. And we also say they will have to give an account to God for the abortion.” In A.D. 195, Clement of Alexandria complained that some people have more respect for birds than for babies. Terrullian, likewise in A.D. 197 wrote: “In our case, murder is once for all forbidden. Therefore, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb…it does not matter whether you take away a life that has been born, or destroy one that is not yet born.” Hippolytus around A.D. 225 indicates that even professing Christians were trying to make themselves sterile, or trying to produce a miscarriage. “Women who were reputed believers began to resort to drugs for producing sterility. They also girded themselves around, so as to expel what was being conceived. For they did not wish to have a child…out of concern for their family, and their excessive wealth.”
MIT professor Steven Pinker argues that infanticide (the killing of babies), is actually “normal behavior” today, in many societies. Michael Tooley, professor at the University of Colorado, thinks parents should have some period of time, such as a week after birth, to decide whether to terminate a baby, or let it live. Peter Singer, published an article on why killing babies already born, isn’t always wrong. He teaches “Practical Ethics” at Princeton University, and the New England Journal of Medicine calls him, “The most influential philosopher of our time.” Virginia Abernathy, psychiatrist from Vanderbilt Medical School, thinks children are “non-persons” up to the age of 3 or 4. She says they are just like fetuses, and they cannot take care of themselves, and therefore, they do not automatically have any right to life as yet.
On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled that abortion is legal and acceptable, and that federal funding must be accessible to a woman and cannot be denied. The taxpayers (you and I), are required to pay for abortions. This is not the first time the Supreme Court has disallowed the right to life. The Supreme Court, once before in our nation’s history, allowed the disregard for human life. The Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision, ruled that since the black man was a slave, they were classified as property, and therefore, not persons, and not entitled to any rights… life, or otherwise. The Supreme Court was wrong then, and it is wrong now. The Dred Scott decision was eventually overturned, and I believe the Roe vs. Wade decision will also be overturned one day–by God if not by us.
In Deuteronomy 22:25-27, God tells us that if a woman was raped, the man was to be put to death, but the woman was to be comforted. The tradition was that the community was to gather around the woman and aid her. Today, in America, when a woman is raped, many will accuse the woman or look down upon her, in many instances. We denounce the man – yes – but, we also kill (abort), the innocent baby. God tells us, in Leviticus 20:2, that child sacrifice is punishable by death. The baby is to be protected, and the woman protected and comforted.
On a typical day in America, three children will die from abuse or neglect. Six children will commit suicide — 28 children are killed by knives or beatings, or guns, and every day, 95 babies die from illnesses, which is more than all these other types of deaths put together. But, on a typical day in America, there is another death occurring to babies, which is not reported. In America, every day, 4,109 babies are killed by abortion. In fact, the number one killer of children in America, is abortion, although it is not reported, because it has been determined to be legal by the Supreme Court. There were 6 million Jews exterminated by Hitler, in World War II, as well as a little over 6 million Christians exterminated by Hitler–about 13 million all together. These killings were determined to be legal by the German government, at that time. Since our Supreme Court decision in 1973, there have been over 54 million babies exterminated legally, by government decree–and that is just in America.
Mother Teresa, before she died, said that America has become selfish, and the greatest proof of that selfishness is abortion. If we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but instead, to use any violence to get what they want…to sacrifice a child for personal gain.
The image America gives to the Islamic nations is:
1) Christians in America are permissive – drugs, sex, pornography, and alcohol are widely used and practiced…
2) American woman dress to entice – to cause lustful thoughts…
3) Christians, in America, support abortion, and euthanasia (it is the law of the land)…
4) American families are broken – parents are divorced – children have no respect for parents or elders, and,
5) Public prayer is absent in America…
So, Christians, Islam concludes, are actually being led by Satan. It is no wonder many nations in the world view us as “The Great Satan.” All these things, which America embraces, are the popular things of the world, the ways of the world, but are not the ways of God.
It is ironic that the subject of life and death have become political. In other words, life and death are to be determined by popular views and votes. There is no ethical or moral truth to define life in America today. Abortion, euthanasia, legal suicide, genocide, or infanticide, are all being legalized in various states, and other countries. In Psalm 139:1-14, God tells us that God Himself, being the Creator, is in charge of life, and death — and that even in the womb, He had created us. And, we know that God also will judge each of us as to where we will spend eternity, either in His kingdom, or separated out—in hell—John 5:25-29.
Once before, a nation was faced with going with the crowd, and doing the popular thing. Some religious leaders warned that their nation was glorifying money, and popular worldly things, and going away from God. Some religious leaders took a political stand that the nation’s government should not move away from God, and do the opposite–government leaders should do the unpopular thing, and worship the one, true God. Once before, a nation ruled the world, and was extremely wealthy, and blessed by God. Religious leaders warned of the nation’s fall, if the people and government would not return to a worship of God, and walk away from evil. This was a political message, but it was also God’s message. The message was to Israel, and Israel was destroyed. It was a political message then, and now. And, it was God’s message then, and still is now. Today, our nation has been blessed by God. Our nation is powerful. Our nation is wealthy (a little less wealth this year, but still wealthy). Our nation is walking away from the worship of God. And, our nation will fall, as God removes His grace from us, if we will not return to a worship of our one, true Creator. We have no moral authority to tell other nations how to act on issues of life and social conditions when we ourselves allow over 4,000 babies to be killed each day.
The nation which fell, back in history, which was then so powerful and wealthy, was Israel. God’s chosen nation – Israel. Israel had all of Solomon’s wisdom, given by God, and all the military might, and was the wealthiest nation on the planet. But, God removed His grace from Israel, because they refused to turn from their evil ways, and return to a worship of God and His ways (2 Chron. 7:14). Today, we are the nation which faces destruction. We have been blessed with wisdom and power and wealth. But, we are refusing to turn from our evil ways, and return to following God’s ways. And, we will surely fall. We, in fact, are falling now, as we watch our children walk away from God, concerned more about their own personal gain in this world, rather than being concerned with their eternal destiny. The prophets warned the people that their great nation would be judged by God. The prophets warned the people that even though their nation was strong and wealthy, that God would remove His hand of grace from them, and the nation would fall. And fall they did. And we, today, are that nation. We are blessed by God, but soon, we will be judged by God. God will not keep His hand of grace on a nation which kills its babies, and separates itself from worshiping the one and only true God. God has warned us (2 Chron. 7:14). We have the story of Israel, His chosen people, who He judged. We, as Christians, must not ignore God’s warning. We, as Christians, must stand for God’s ways. This means that we must not support abortion, but speak against it, just as God’s Word speaks against it.
Many lives have been affected by abortion, over these decades since the Supreme Court said it was o.k. to abort (kill) a baby. One thing we must also remember is that God is a forgiving God. We are all sinners (whether because of abortion, or any one of numerous other sins), we are all sinners. But, God will forgive, and invite us into His kingdom, if we will repent — if we change our ways, and begin to follow God’s ways, and begin to grow in His direction. We, as Christians, must welcome all those mothers and fathers who have been deceived into abortion, or any other sin, by the world and government policies. We must forgive, and encourage those who have been involved in abortion to seek forgiveness from God, which He has promised to give, if we change. Even the lady, whose case the Supreme Court’s decision was based upon, “Roe,” has herself asked God to forgive her, and she herself has become a Christian, and now fights to overturn that Supreme Court decision. We, as Christians, must pray for our government leaders to also seek God’s wisdom, and change to follow God’s ways. Let us help our government leaders to understand they are committing a sin, committing murder, and they need to turn to the Lord and seek forgiveness, and thus, be restored in love to God’s kingdom.
In today’s text (2 Chron. 33), Manasseh did turn around, only after the nation had fallen. Note, in verse 11, that destruction occurred, and then in verse 12, there was repentance. Let’s pray our nation does not wait too long. We, as a nation, can also be forgiven. Whether the sin is due to abortion (which is the focus this week in America), or any of the commandments of God which we have broken (lying, stealing, lust, envy, pride, adultery and homosexuality, etc.)…we are all sinners. We all fall short of God, and heaven. But, God loves us…He just hates the sin. God has provided a way that we can be restored to Him. I cannot save myself. I will perish into eternal separation from God, if I deny Jesus as God, and deny His ways. God came from heaven, to be born flesh, in order to die (Philip. 2:5-8; John 1:1-18), in order to pay our debt for sinning – death (Rom. 5:8; John 5:24). And now, if I trust in Jesus, I will live forever with Him in His kingdom. No more pain, suffering, or death — only a fellowship with others who have also trusted in Christ for their lives. It is my prayer we will all spend eternity in God’s kingdom, and that no one will be separated from God’s kingdom, and be judged to spend all eternity isolated, forever in outer darkness…alone—hell.
Stop The Babies
Abortion and the death of America.
Genesis 1:28
God’s Very First Command—Way Before the Ten Commandments
I, as a Pastor, and as the Chaplain to the men and women inmates of the Jail for the Sheriff’s department of Mendocino County in Ukiah, California, must condemn the churches which spoke evil–wanting to enable abortions to be promoted in Iowa, as well as many other locations in the United States. One week ago, the Des Moines Register reported that pastors from the United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Episcopal Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, Christian Church-Disciples of Christ, and the Unity Church all signed onto a statement which supports Planned Parenthood and argues against funds, which go to Planned Parenthood, being redirected to clinics which provide comprehensive health care for low income women, but do not perform abortions. Pastors must condemn these sources of evil within the Churches which claim Jesus as their head—shame!
Pastor Gerry Burney’s newest book, “Eden to Evil” provides the biblical reason humankind must stop abortion. The Catholic Church has always tried to promote babies and avoid abortions, but the church has failed to provide people any meaningful reason besides: “We say so!” Yes, God says choose life, but people need to understand why we need babies to be born, which is the very first command of God (Genesis 1:28). Eden to Evil exposes the answer hidden from mankind for thousands of years!
God commanded from the very first moment of the creation of mankind in this age we now find ourselves in that we have lots and lots of babies. Most people are not aware of that command (Gen. 1:28). Most people have been brought up to manage their relationship with the other sex so as to avoid so-called unwanted pregnancies. We have been brought up to time and manage the number of children we want…or don’t want. What is going on in our world where God’s Word says very clearly that we are to have lots of babies, and yet we hear every day about overpopulation, unwanted children, and family planning? There must be a reason that God would want us to have lots of babies, and yet the world has taught us to avoid lots of babies.
To really understand the “why” we are supposed to have lots of babies, we need to understand when we were created, exactly how we fell (sinned against God), and why we must be born into this flesh existence here on this earth—there is a reason “why” we must be born. The Bible has two creation stories in Genesis 1-3. Today, most of the Christian community tries to blend these two accounts together into one story, and tries to fit the Eden account (in chapters 2-3), into day 6 of the 7 day account (in chapter 1). This makes for a simple story, but it ignores God’s real story. God makes the human problem very clear to us by giving us two creation accounts, which in many ways are exact opposites. Some suggest that it is during day 6 that the events of Eden (Gen. 2-3), take place, where Adam is created, and then God creates plants in Eden. However, in Genesis 2:5 (the Eden account), God tells us that there are no plants on earth when man is created, whereas on day 3 (the 7 Day account), God planted the earth before He created man. God gives us two accounts of the creation, and deliberately makes them different (knowing that we humans often get it wrong), and God wants us to understand that we did, in fact, have a pre-existence with God prior to this life we now lead (Eph. 1:4-5, 11). In another example of the differences between these two accounts, we read in the Eden account that man was created first—before plants and animals. But, in the 7 day account, mankind is created last—after the plants and animals. Still, we humans try and blend them into one single account. There are also numerous other differences, and these are examined in great detail in the book “Eden to Evil”—Target Truth
So, why two creations, and why are we to have lots of babies. God has devised a plan to save those who will love Him. This plan is necessary because we sinned against God (Gen. 3). Because we chose to follow Satan, and deny God, we are condemned to separation from God (death). It could just end here for us as sinners. However, God loves each and every one of us (He created us). So, God still wants to have a loving relationship with each of us, and He has set in motion a plan to restore that relationship—for all those who want it restored—for those who will love Jesus. The plan calls for us to be separated for now (because we sinned), but also the plan allows for us to be restored back to a relationship with God if we show shame, and surrender to His ways—obey Him. God’s plan recognizes that we must suffer death because of our sin (Gen. 2:16-17). Death is separation from God—both physical, and spiritual. We were created as physical beings, and God “breathed” into us life—that is, God gave us our spiritual nature also (Gen 2:7). We have both a physical and a spiritual side. Separation from God means both physically and spiritually. God could have simply separated Himself from us when we chose to follow Satan instead of God (sent us all to hell—which is eternal separation and isolation). But, God loves us and truly wants to reconcile with each of us—if we will repent (change), and follow Him. There is a final judgment coming one day when God will finally separate Himself from all those who deny Him. But, for now, each of us has been given an opportunity to restore our relationship with God, and be restored to Eden/Paradise once again—if we love Him. In order to die both physically and spiritually, we must be separated from God, and also must assume a mortal (flesh), body which will die (our supernatural body in Eden is eternal—and could not die). Adam and Eve are the examples in Genesis 2-3, as they were created to exist eternally with God in Paradise, but had to assume mortal flesh bodies—be separated—and face death, just as we do. All this is accomplished by babies (each of us) being born into this world…a flesh mortal existence for a short period of time to make a decision to either accept Jesus, or deny Him.
Because we must be born into this world in a flesh body (to one day die physically—Heb. 9:27), God gives this command that we have lots of babies. In other words, we humans are not to slow down, or interfere with God’s plan—births need to take place. But, of course, Satan has another plan. We are born into this world lost, and facing death, and separated from God. Satan knows that we are his prisoners for the time being (Isa. 14:16-17), because this world is Satan’s domain for the time being. We chose to follow Satan’s deception in Eden, and now God is giving us exactly what we chose—this world—separated from God—enjoying Satan’s domain (Job 1:7; Matt. 4:8-10; Luke 22:31-32; John 12:31; 2 Corin. 4:4; Eph. 2:2; 1 John 4:4). And, Satan does not want us to escape from his prison (Isa. 14:16-17). Satan also does not want us to obey God’s command to have babies, because if we don’t have babies, God’s plan is disrupted—people cannot be saved unless born of flesh. From the very beginning, God promised that He would provide a Savior (Jesus), to cover our sins—to pay the price that we ourselves cannot pay—a perfect sacrifice from a perfect human to cover our sin against a perfect, eternal, uncreated God (Gen. 3:15). Only God can pay the sacrifice needed for our salvation, and He did just that when He chose to leave heaven and indwell the perfectly created body of Jesus, the human (Philip. 2:5-8; John 1:1-18, 6:33,38; Heb. 2:9; Col. 2:8-9).
Satan used all means at his disposal to cause Jesus to never be born, and to cause us never to be born—stop the babies! Satan tried to destroy the human population at the very beginning, and God brought on the flood to destroy the human population which had been corrupted genetically by the fallen angels (Gen. 6:1-4—see the book “Eden to Evil”). God had to destroy the “mankind” (Gen. 6:7), because the human population had actually become a “hybrid mankind”—genetically altered—not capable of birthing human babies.. Only Noah was “perfect” in his generations (blood line—Gen. 6:9). Noah’s bloodline was perfect, not corrupted by Satan (Gen. 6:9—the King James says “perfect in his generations” and the NAS says blameless in his time—the Hebrew is “without blemish in his bloodline”). Satan had an evil plan to destroy God’s plan to save people with the birth of Jesus to humans. No human birth—no Jesus. God’s plan succeeded, and today, Jesus is here—He was born—and He sacrificed Himself to pay for our sin—and He rose from death, and lives now.
Still, each of the fallen host of Paradise must be born into this world in order to be saved. Satan, today, is using various methods of trying to stop people from having babies. No babies—no salvation. About one-third of the host of heaven fell (Rev. 12:1-4—see Study “Satan’s Deception” at Target Truth And, no new beings are being created anymore (Gen. 2:1). This means the number of the host of heaven is fixed, and God knows exactly what this certain number of us is who have fallen and need to be born into this world (Satan’s domain), for the purpose of salvation—to be restored back to God (Rom. 11:25; Luke 21:24; Acts 17:31—until the “times of the gentiles” are fulfilled). Satan wants to stop the process…stop God’s plan. Stop the babies!
Satan employs various methods to dissuade us from following God’s plan of bringing babies into the world. Abortion is one means. Abortion is not just a modern day issue. Archaeologists have discovered that during Manasseh’s time (a king from Israel, which we read of in 2 Chron. 33:1-20), among the various ways the people sacrificed to the false gods (in order to think they may have a better life), was not only to burn children as an offering (verse 6 of the text), but also to perform abortions. It was the way of the world, not God’s way. During the time of Manasseh, the archaeologists have discovered walls in homes in which there were jars buried (set into the walls). A family would build a house with brick and stone walls, and, in order to insure a good life for the man and the woman, a baby was aborted, and placed in a jar, and the jar was placed in the wall of the home. This sacrifice was to grant the man and woman of the house a better life. They called the walls “Living Walls.” God tells us in Habakkuk 2:11-12, that only trouble will result for those who build their lives on the blood of others.
Back then, as now, the sacrifice is the same — a baby dies. Back then, as now, the purpose is the same — to have a “better” life. In Manasseh’s time, the sacrifice was to some false god (an appeasement to that false god), so that this god might enrich their life. Today, the sacrifice is to appease us. In effect, we, ourselves, have become the god that is appeased, so that financially (or, for whatever reason), our life can be materially richer.
History also records other references to the killing of babies. Around A.D. 175, Athenagoras wrote: “We say that those women who use drugs to bring on abortion commit murder. And we also say they will have to give an account to God for the abortion.” In A.D. 195, Clement of Alexandria complained that some people have more respect for birds than for babies. Terrullian, likewise in A.D. 197 wrote: “In our case, murder is once for all forbidden. Therefore, we may not destroy even the fetus in the womb…it does not matter whether you take away a life that has been born, or destroy one that is not yet born.” Hippolytus around A.D. 225 indicates that even professing Christians were trying to make themselves sterile, or trying to produce a miscarriage. “Women who were reputed believers began to resort to drugs for producing sterility. They also girded themselves around, so as to expel what was being conceived. For they did not wish to have a child…out of concern for their family, and their excessive wealth.”
Another way Satan tries to disrupt God’s plan of having babies is to redirect our attention away from marriage between a man and a woman (the purpose of which is to have babies), and to invite us to embrace homosexual unions—no babies. This also is not just a modern day issue. Cultures from around the world have embraced homosexuality going back into antiquity. Obviously, Satan is pleased with the results—fewer babies. And, of course, going all the way back to the very beginning, Satan sent his angels to procreate with women (another perversion of one man one woman), to produce the “giants” or “Nephilim” mentioned above (Genesis 6—see book “Eden to Evil)—all in the effort to destroy true human births.
Another way Satan tries to take our attention away from having babies is by creating the false “crisis” of humans destroying the environment and the planet. If we could only get rid, or reduce, the number of humans, we could save the earth—so the argument goes. There is no doubt that we humans are to protect and enhance the environment in any way we can. But, this does not include reducing babies being born (Gen. 1:27-31). God is very clear that we are to have babies and protect the environment both at the same time—not one over the other. But, Satan has led us to worship the environment at the expense of babies. Here again, protecting mother earth is not a new argument. The worship of the earth goes back to the beginning also—beginning with Nimrod, the grandson of Noah, right after the flood. Back then the earth was elevated to god-like status. In the Sumerian (Babylonian – Eastern), mythology, the origin of the whole universe was due to Nammu, the water goddess. From her waters was birthed all we see, including all the male gods. This is an imitation of God’s creation where the “waters” were divided (Gen. 1:6-8). One of these births was to the moon goddess Sin. In Mesopotamia, the female goddess figure was dominate, until animal husbandry and domestication later became established, and only then, did the male god figure begin to dominate in some cultures. But, in Mesopotamia, where Abraham came from (Gen. 12), the pagan male gods were still servants to the Mother Goddess of all creation. The Mother Goddess was considered unmarried, and in some locations, a virgin. It was the re-productive power of the earth which was associated with the Mother Goddess (Mother Earth), and which was of paramount importance in agricultural life in the ancient world (see the book “Science, Origins, & Ancient Civilizations—Scientific Evidence Withheld from School Textbooks” –Target Truth
This worship of the earth and the environment still exists today in a very large way. Even the United Nations are involved in earth consciousness. Today it is called “Gaia” worship, or worship of the ancient Greek Goddess of the Earth (Gaia). A major emphasis of this movement is to reduce the birth rates and the overall population of the earth. Babies are seen as a threat to the earth and environment. Satan has succeeded in convincing most of the world’s nations that we need to halt the birth of babies—even going so far as to encourage sterilization, encourage the use of contraception devices (some of which actually do cause abortion of the fertilized egg), and legalizing public taxpayer supported abortions to achieve the world’s goals of population reduction. What did God say? Genesis 1:27-28!
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